About Us

Uncovering Asia 2018 is hosted by three organizations: the Global Investigative Journalism Network, the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism (Newstapa), and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. For more about us, and links to our work, please see below:

Global Investigative Journalism Network

GIJN_band_logo_largeThe Global Investigative Journalism Network is the world’s premier international association of investigative reporting organizations. GIJN’s membership includes 163 nonprofits and NGOs in 72 countries. Its primary mission is to expand and support quality investigative journalism worldwide. This is done through sponsoring global and regional conferences, including the Global Investigative Journalism Conference that takes place every two years.

GIJN also does training, links journalists together worldwide, and promotes best practices in investigative and data journalism. GIJN was founded in 2003 when more than 300 journalists gathered for the second Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Copenhagen. Membership is open to non-profit media organizations that support investigative or data journalism.

Korea Center for Investigative Journalism (Newstapa)

Newstapa is a nonprofit, nonpartisan independent news outlet run by the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism (KCIJ). The Center was initially formed at the beginning of 2012 by a small group of journalists who were fighting against the Lee Myung-bak administration which severely restricted the freedom of press and free speech.

Funded entirely by donations from the public, the center does not accept any advertisements or sponsorship from government agencies or foundations. It operates independently and free from any business interests or partisan political influences.

The center strives to empower citizens with accurate and comprehensive information on issues often under-reported or overlooked by mainstream media coverage, in order to help citizens to hold those in power accountable. Its work focuses on stories that strengthen the public’s right to be informed; stories that investigate facts that are difficult to obtain and give the public a new perspective on events and issues; and stories that carry a wealth of detail about how the society works.

Through investigative reporting, the center aims to not only expose problems but also to stimulate positive impact, possibly leading to changes in public laws and policies.

KCIJ is the only Korean member of Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN). It has successfully completed a number of collaborative projects with global investigative reporting organizations such as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), and has built a cooperative relationship with several nonprofit investigative news organizations in the Asian region.

Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung

KAS_Logo_blau320The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) supports democratic development, and provides a substantial contribution to international cooperation and understanding. With more than 200 projects in the world it is Germany’s largest political foundation.

The Media Programme Asia of KAS strengthens dialogue between media and politics. It monitors and highlights current media trends through publications and events, and provides education for Asian journalists for a free, ethical, and responsible press. Among its partners are the Asia News Network (ANN), a syndication network of 22 national newspapers from 20 Asian countries with a daily readership of 50 million, and the Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism (ACFJ), which has offered degree and non-degree distance learning programs to the emerging elite of journalists in Asia for 15 years.

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